What Scientologists believe
1. View on God and the Afterlife
Unlike many religious traditions that focus on a personal relationship with God, Scientology does not emphasize a particular belief in God. It remains vague on the concept of a higher power and instead focuses on self-improvement and self-awareness through a series of structured courses and auditing sessions.
Scientology does not promote a clear doctrine on the afterlife but teaches that individuals have lived past lives and will continue to be reincarnated. Through the process of auditing, a person recalls past-life memories, seeking to free themselves from negative influences carried over from previous existences.
2. The Story of Xenu
One of the most controversial teachings of Scientology, revealed at the Operating Thetan Level III (OT III), is the story of Xenu. According to Scientology doctrine, Xenu was a galactic ruler who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth, exterminated them using hydrogen bombs inside volcanoes, and then trapped their spirits, known as “thetans.” These spirits now cling to human beings and cause psychological and spiritual suffering.
This story, known as “Incident II” or “The Wall of Fire,” is considered highly confidential by the Church of Scientology. Critics argue that the secrecy surrounding these teachings—along with the high financial costs required to reach OT III—raises serious ethical concerns.
3. Views on Sin and Salvation
Scientology teaches that there is no concept of sin or need for repentance. Instead, salvation in Scientology means achieving freedom from reincarnation and overcoming negative influences through auditing and training. It also denies the existence of Hell, presenting a belief system that eliminates fear of eternal punishment.
Many are drawn to Scientology because of its promise of self-improvement, personal empowerment, and freedom from moral accountability. However, the Bible teaches that true salvation cannot be attained through self-improvement or psychological exercises, but through faith in Jesus Christ. Scientology teaches that there is no sin and no need to repent. They believe that salvation is freedom from reincarnation. They also believe that Hell is a myth. This teaching appeals to many because it removes the fear of being punished for the things we have done wrong.
Why These Beliefs and Practices Will Not Save You
1. Salvation is Through Jesus Christ Alone
The Bible clearly states that salvation is not based on self-discovery or human effort but through Jesus Christ. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'” Scientology’s teachings focus on self-reliance and deny the need for a Savior, which contradicts the Gospel message.
2. The Reality of Sin and the Need for Repentance
Romans 3:23 states, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Scientology denies the concept of sin, but the Bible teaches that sin separates us from God. Without acknowledging sin and seeking forgiveness through Christ, no one can be saved.
3. Eternal Life is Found in Christ, Not Reincarnation
Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” Scientology teaches reincarnation and freedom from repeated lifetimes, but the Bible affirms that after death, we face judgment, and our eternal destiny is determined by our relationship with Jesus Christ.
4. The Reality of Heaven and Hell
Scientology dismisses Hell as a myth, but Jesus Himself spoke of Hell as a real place of judgment for those who reject God. Matthew 25:46 states, “And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” The denial of Hell may seem appealing, but it is a dangerous deception that leads people away from the truth of God’s justice.
What does this mean?
The Church of Scientology promotes self-improvement and enlightenment, but its teachings reject the foundational truths of Christianity. While Scientology offers an alternative spiritual path, it does not provide true salvation. Only through faith in Jesus Christ can we receive forgiveness, eternal life, and a personal relationship with God.
If you are searching for true peace, hope, and salvation, turn to Jesus Christ today. He alone is the way to eternal life and freedom from sin.