
What do Sikhs believe?

The principal belief of Sikhism is faith in waheguru—represented using the sacred symbol of ik ōaṅkār, the Universal God. Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God.

A key distinctive feature of Sikhism is a non-anthropomorphic concept of God, to the extent that one can interpret God as the Universe itself. The followers of Sikhism are ordained to follow the teachings of the ten Sikh gurus, or enlightened leaders, as well as the holy scripture entitled the Gurū Granth Sāhib, which, along with the writings of six of the ten Sikh Gurus, includes selected works of many devotees from diverse socio-economic and religious backgrounds. The text was decreed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth guru, as the final guru of the Khalsa Panth.

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that originated in the 15th century in the Punjab region of South Asia. Founded by Guru Nanak, Sikhism teaches that there is one God and emphasizes the importance of living a moral and ethical life. In this article, we will explore the core values, beliefs, and teachings of Sikhism.

Core Values

  1. Guru: Sikhism places great importance on the role of the Guru, who is considered a spiritual guide and teacher. The Guru provides wisdom and guidance to help followers understand and live according to the teachings of Sikhism.
  2. Community: Sikhs value the importance of community and living in harmony with others. This is reflected in the Sikh concept of “Sangat,” which encourages fellowship and support among members of the Sikh community.
  3. Service: Sikhism teaches the importance of selfless service, or “Sewa.” Sikhs are encouraged to serve others, regardless of their religion, caste, or social status, as a way of showing love and compassion.


  1. One God: Sikhism teaches that there is one God, who is formless, eternal, and transcendent. This belief in one God is central to Sikhism and is reflected in the Sikh mantra, “Ek Onkar,” which means “One God.”
  2. Ten Gurus: Sikhism has ten spiritual leaders, known as the Ten Gurus, who were chosen by God to guide the Sikh community. The last of the Ten Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh, passed on his spiritual authority to the holy scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, which is now considered the eternal Guru of the Sikh faith.
  3. The Guru Granth Sahib: The Guru Granth Sahib is the holy scripture of Sikhism and is considered the living Guru. It contains the teachings of the Ten Gurus and other spiritual teachers, and is revered as the ultimate authority on Sikh beliefs and practices.


  1. Three Pillars: Sikhism is based on three pillars: “Naam Japna” (remembering God’s name), “Kirt Karna” (earning an honest living), and “Vand Chakna” (sharing with others). These three pillars guide Sikhs in their daily lives and help them maintain a balance between spirituality and worldly responsibilities.
  2. The Five Ks: The Five Ks, or “Five Articles of Faith,” are five articles of clothing and symbols that Sikhs are encouraged to wear as a reminder of their commitment to the Sikh faith. These include the “Kesh” (uncut hair), “Kanga” (a wooden comb), “Kara” (a steel bracelet), “Kirpan” (a ceremonial sword), and “Kachera” (cotton undergarments).
  3. Equality: Sikhism teaches that all people are equal in the eyes of God. This belief in equality transcends differences in caste, gender, and social status, and is reflected in the Sikh practice of “Langar,” a community kitchen where free meals are served to all, regardless of their background.

While Sikhism has many valuable teachings, values, and beliefs, it does not provide salvation or eternal life with God. Sikhism teaches that there is one God, but it does not teach about the ultimate truth of God’s Word or the salvation found in Jesus Christ.

Sikhism also has unique beliefs and practices, such as the concept of reincarnation and the importance of the Guru Granth Sahib as the eternal Guru, which set it apart from Christianity. These differences make it difficult to reconcile Sikhism with the Christian faith and the God of the Bible.

The teachings and beliefs of Sikhism are in contrast to those of the Christian faith, because the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), and that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). However, God loves us and has provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Christianity also teaches that Jesus’ death and resurrection offer us the opportunity for forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. By placing our faith in Jesus, we can experience the transformative power of God’s grace and be saved from the consequences of our sin.

Whilst Sikhism has some valuable teachings, values, and beliefs, it does not provide salvation or eternal life with God.  That is why you need Jesus, because Jesus is the only way to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and eternal life.